#deity dolos
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starfacenix · 9 months ago
A word on unknown gods.
It’s hard, isn’t it? Finding someone that looks interesting/right up your alley but not being able to find jack shit on them? Oh it’s sooo annoying.
But you know what’s the great thing?
You can reach out to them in any way you like.
Even if you’re not entirely sure about an offering, give it anyway. Reach out and try.
And if you’re someone who uses divination..
Like aw man. Ask ask ask.
Help spread the word on your favorite smaller deities. Even if it’s a lot of upg shit. Try. Try for them and for others who may love them too.
[Currently working on a very long post that will be dedicated to the deity Dolos/Dolus. Next to none information on him and right now it’s just a lot of talking to him, asking yes and no questions and trying my best while also being a beginner. But I want to try for him. And I’d like to say that’s what counts.]
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nixthepolytheist · 8 months ago
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❦ Digital offering for Dolos, god of trickery and guile ❦
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cosmolumine · 1 year ago
anyone experienced with working with Dolos?
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citrineandrosmarin · 2 months ago
🦉Athena Masterpost: Domains🦉
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🐍 Masterpost Link 🐍
Last updated: Date of Publishing
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Athena, Goddess of…
As a concept, metis could be translated and understood as meaning “practical wisdom”, “cunning”, “prudence”, “craftiness’ or “skill,” but it is often simply translated into “wisdom.” To many, this word conjures up the image of an old sage, a scholar surrounded by books and full of knowledge. But this was not how metis was conceptualized in ancient Greek culture.
Metis is “a complex but very coherent body of mental attributes and intellectual behaviour which combine flair, wisdom, forethought, subtlety of mind, deception, resourcefulness, vigilance, opportunism, various skills, and experience acquired over the years." It is an intelligence which is often associated with trickery and deception, adaptability, improvisation, shifting movement, shape-changing, quick thinking and seizing the opportunities at the right moment (kairos). Metis is more focused on getting practical results and success within an activity, not theoretical knowledge, and could be applied to many areas of life: "It may involve multiple skills useful in life, the mastery of the artisan in his craft, magic tricks, the use of philtres and herbs, the cunning strategems of war, frauds, deceits, resourcefulness of every kind."
Metis is also not limited to humans, but also applied to animals, such as foxes, fish and octopuses - animals with ‘cunning tricks’ (dolos) and deceptions that allow them to catch their prey or evade their predators. "The world of duplicity is also a world of vigilance: both the fishing frog squatting in the mud and the octopus plastered to its rock are on the alert; they keep a look out, are on the watch for the moment to act. Every animal with metis is a living eye which never closes or even blinks."
This was the kind of cunning we would associate today with the trickster archetype, not the book-loving sage. Athena was not the only deity to have metis (for example, Zeus is another major one) but this concept is a core part of who she is and influences her other associations and her connections with other deities.
“Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society” - Marcel Detienne, Jean-Pierre Vernant
“Athena” - Susan Deacy
🐍Excerpts from “Cunning Intelligence in Greek Culture and Society”
Skill: Related to metis in that it’s very practical, with some intuitive sense but also dependent on experience and practice. This can be applied to many areas of life, though in Athena’s case it was often in relation to war, crafts, sailing and invention.
Crafts: Mainly associated with weaving, Athena was also worshiped in the festival of bronze smiths and artisans, Khalkeia. This aspect is very closely related to skill - as the word for both is ‘tekhne’ (τέχνη). This word is also one related to metis and associated words.
Invention: Athena is known as an inventor, with particular inventions being the bridle, plough and aulos. This aspect is also related to metis, craft and skill.
War: Although typically associated with the skills of war, and strategy, Athena was also associated with war in the same way that Ares was - she was ‘dreadful’ Athene “concerned with works of war, the sack of cities and the shouting and the battle.” (Homeric Hymn 11 to Athena)
🐍On the comparison of Athena and Ares
🐍Iliad - Athena dons the Aegis
Civilization, Politics & Justice: Athena in cult was often paired with Zeus, and these two presided over a number of civic institutions, for example the boule (a council that ran the daily affairs of the city) was watched over by Athena Boulaia and Zeus Boulaios. Athena was closely tied to the Athenian state and in myth was also heavily involved in the first criminal trial - that of Orestes.
Hero Mentorship: Athena was often involved in guiding, aiding and mentoring heroes such as Diomedes, Odysseus, Telemakhus, Herakles, Bellerophon and Perseus.
🐍Athena and Herakles Wedding Imagery
Education and Knowledge [SPG]: Athena’s modern associations with education and intelligence come from how she was adapted in post classical times as an allegorical symbol for church-approved virtues of wisdom and justice. The Renaissance furthered this connection, as she became a symbol of the arts, education, science, human excellence, and liberty.
Information Technology [UPG]: My personal UPG, based in part on Athena's associations with invention, civilization and knowledge, and in part on my own understanding of her character and my relationship and practice with her.
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aliciavance4228 · 5 months ago
Here's a list with obscure deities from Greco-Roman Mythology to obssess about
Aceso: The goddess of the healing process and Asclepcius' daughter;
Achlys: The goddess of the eternal night, aka the Mist of Death;
Agon: The greek god of competition;
Alala: The goddess of the war cry, daughter of Polemos and one of Ares' attendants;
Alke: The goddess of battle-strenght and Eris' daughter;
Amechania: Apparently the ancient greeks did have a goddess of helplessness too.
Apate: A daughter of Nyx and the goddess of deceit;
Arete: She's more a concept than an actual deity. From what I found, her name means virtue, in the sense of being the best version of yourself or reaching tour highest potential. She was supposed to personify that;
Aristaeus: A minor god primarily known for rustic arts like beekeeping and cheesemaking. And Eurydice's assaulter;
Arke: Iris' sister who was thrown intk Tartarus after betraying the gods and becoming a messager for the titans;
Atë: Eris' daughter and the goddess of mischief, delusion, folly, and reckless impulsiveness that leads to ruin;
Bia: The goddess and personification of force;
Caerus: Very obscure guy and the god of opportunity;
Ceto: An early sea goddess and the mother of the Gorgons, the Graia, Echidna and the Hesperian Dragon;
Cybele: A Phrygian Mother Goddess, her cult being very popular in Anatolia once;
Dike: Goddess of mortal justice and fair judgment;
Dolos: God of trickery and guile, and a former apprentice to Prometheus;
Dysnomia: Daughter of Eris and goddess of lawlessness;
Eleos: A daughter of Nyx and the personification of pity, mercy, clemency, and compassion;
Endovelicus: Worshipped only by the romans, and apparently a deity who came from the Lisutanian Mythology. He was the god of healing and light.
Epione: The goddess of the soothing of pain and Asclepcius' wife;
Eucleia, Eupheme, Euthenia and Philophrosyne: Hephaestus and Aglaea's daughters;
Geras: Son of Nyx and the god of old age;
Homados: God of the noise of battle and all the blood-curdling screaming that implies;
Homonia: Goddess of concord, unanimity, and oneness of mind;
Hygieia: A daughter of Asclepcius and the personification of health, cleanliness, and sanitation;
Iaso: Daughter of Asclepius and the goddess of recuperation from illness;
Janus: Present only in the Roman Mythology, Janus was the god of doorways, gates, transitions, and beginnings and endings;
Kratos: Apparently he actually existed in Greek Mythology, but he was the god of strenght and power;
Limos: Daughter of Eris and the goddess of starvation;
Lyssa: Daughter of Nyx and the goddess of mad rage, frenzy and rabies in animals;
Mithras: Besides the fact that he was a roman god worshipped by a popular mystery cult there are few things known about him;
Momus: Son of Nyx and the god of satire, mockery, censure, writers, and poets;
Moros: Son of Nyx and the god of impending doom;
Oizys: Daughter of Nyx and the goddess of misery;
Pamacea: Daughter of Asclepcius and the goddess of universal remedy;
Peitho: Goddess of persuasion and seduction;
Penia: Goddess of poverty and need;
Phorcys: God of the mysterious dangers of the deep and Ceto's husband;
Plutus: God of wealth;
Polemos: Personification of war;
Ponos: God of hard labor and toil;
Porus: God of plenty and a son of Metis, making him the half-brother of Athena;
Praxidike: The goddess of judicial punishment and the exactor of vengeance;
Priapus: A minor fertility god, known for trying to rape Hestia once and his large equipment;
Ptocheia: Greek goddess of beggary;
Quirnius: An early roman god of Rome itself as a city state.
Seilenos: The god of drunkeness and crushing grapes under foot to make wine and the godfather of Dionysus;
Soteria and Soter: The goddess and god of safety and deliverance from harm;
Zelus: The personification of dedication, emulation, eager rivalry, envy, jealousy, and zeal. Had wings like his siblings (Nike, Kratos and Bia) and was an enforcer for Zeus that stood about his throne;
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coinandcandle · 9 months ago
Eris Deep Dive: Goddess of Discord and Strife
Eris (Ἔρις) is the Greek personification of discord and strife—more notably she was considered to be the daimona of the strife of war. She was not considered a goddess in the same respect as the Olympians until more recently.
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While she was not worshiped in ancient Greece, she has become a popular deity in Discordianism, a modern religion, as well as being worshiped by solitary individuals. In modern day she is given a kinder but still discordant role, worshiped as a goddess of chaos and specifically necessary chaos; chaos invoked as the catalyst of change. She is also said to be the goddess of the chaos needed for artists to create.
Parents and Siblings
Her parentage depends on who is relaying the story. The most popular belief is that she was spawned by Nyx alone.
Nyx, no father
Nyx and Erebus (only because Erebus was Nyx’s lover)
Zeus and Hera (because she is noted as Ares’ sister)
Siblings will also depend. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, her siblings are:
The Keres
The Moirai
The Hesperides
The Erinyes
If she is the daughter of Zeus and Hera then the list of siblings would be way longer including all half siblings. She is specifically mentioned to be Ares’ sister in Homer’s Iliad. Too many to list, I will instead offer you the genealogy of Zeus and Hera.
Her full-blooded siblings would be:
Lovers or Partners
No lovers mentioned
Ponos (Hardship)
Lethe (Forgetfulness)
Limos (Starvation)
Algea (Pains)
Hysminai (Battles)
Makhai (Wars)
Phonoi (Murders)
Androktasiai (Manslaughters)
Neikea (Quarrels)
Pseudea (Lies)
Logoi (Stories)
Amphillogiai (Disputes)
Dysnomia (Anarchy)
Ate (Ruin)
Horkos (Oath)
Note that these aren’t historically attested, they do come from translated myths but that doesn’t mean she was called this throughout history.
Infernal Goddess
Mother of Cacodaemons
Often Eris is called a goddess of chaos in modern times, but in history she is recorded as the goddess of discord. While they seem like synonyms they are not, chaos is disorder and confusion; discord is argument or disagreement. While discord may lead to chaos, they are not one in the same.
This confusion may come from the conflation of Eris and the similar but still separate Roman goddess Discordia, who is the goddess of chaos and was often seen in a kinder light than the Greek Eris.
Eris is the last born of Nyx according to the Theogony.
She is noted in mythology to be particularly fond of the bloodshed of war.
Eris and the goddess of war Enyo are often conflated.
In his writing Works and Days, Hesiod says that there are two Erises; one that exists purely to plague mankind with strife, and the other is a kinder Eris who instills a healthy sense of competition in mankind.
Unfortunately Eris does not appear in mythology often, as is the case for many daimones, However her most popular roles in mythology are:
Throwing the (sometimes golden) apple into a feast with the words inscribed “to the fairest”, causing three goddesses, Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera, to argue about who the apple should go to. Eventually, not wanting to deal with it, Zeus made the human mortal Paris decide. Though her role was short, it was a huge part in starting the Trojan war in mythology. Read about The Judgement of Paris.
When Polytechnos and Aëdon said their relationship was way better than Zeus and Hera’s, Hera sent Eris down to create marital discord between them. She did just that, making them compete against each other. Polytechnos was completing a standing board for a chariot and Aëdon a tapestry at the time, so they made a bet on who would finish first. Whoever lost would present the other with a slave. It gets pretty dark and they end up getting turned into birds by Zeus, a common ‘kind’ gesture from him in mythology. Read more here.
Interestingly enough, Eris is pictured with Themis, the goddess of divine law and order on a vase depicting the Judgement of Paris. The two watch over the three goddesses.
In another painting, Eris is depicted wearing winged shoes and having wings herself. This could symbolize freedom and swiftness—sometimes sneakiness as well. This would make sense for Eris as she is considered in mythology to be a sneaky troublemaker.
There were no shrines known to be dedicated to Eris.
Discordia, Eris’ Roman counterpart, was associated with the type of discord needed for societal change and going with the grain.
Modern Deity Work
Seeing as she was not worshiped as far as we know in ancient times, these are pulled from mostly modern practitioners’ posts as well as general practices of Hellenism.
Gold, Onyx, Smoky quartz, moldavite
Apples, hallucinogenic plants,
Venomous snakes, scorpions, ravens, foxes (all associated with other deities of chaos and discord)
Apples with Honey
Olive oil
Red meat
Blood (please be smart about this)
Gunpowder (again, don’t be dumb)
Imagery of war
Weapons or imagery of weapons
Acts of Devotion
Learn to embrace chaos as a catalyst for change.
Enter into competitions, whether they be sports or art contests, just go compete!
Learn about the history of war, especially the wars of Ancient Greece.
Join protests for what you believe in, breaking societal norms.
Pull a prank! She’s a trickster, what trickster doesn’t love a good prank?
References and Further Reading
Eris - Theoi Project
Eris - Britannica
Eris -World History Encyclopedia
Eris - Greek Mythology Link
A Guide to Worship Eris Cheat Sheet by screeching-0wl
Theogony by Hesiod
The Iliad by Homer
Works and Days by Hesiod
Subtle Eris Worship by khaire-traveler
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the-mortuary-witch · 11 months ago
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Nyx is a primordial Goddess of the night and darkness. She is a deity of infinite wisdom and secret knowledge, and she is thought to be the progenitor of the universe. She is also associated with the void and the abyss, as well as the primordial chaos that predated the creation of the universe.
Appearance: she is typically portrayed as a beautiful and radiant figure, who appears youthful and ageless. Her body is often described as being made of light and shadow, and as having a radiant and ethereal appearance. She is often depicted as having long dark hair that flows freely in the air, and she often wears black and white attire.
Personality: Nyx is often described as a mysterious and ethereal entity, who governs the night and the Underworld. She is said to be a solitary figure, who keeps to herself and observes the world from a distance. She is often portrayed as a quiet and wise figure, who represents the depths of the night and the cycle of life and death. She is also viewed as a nurturing and protective force, who guards the secrets of the Underworld and ensures the smooth passing of the dead into the afterlife.
Symbols: crescent moon, night sky, mist, shadow, black lotus, darkness, torch, three-phase moon, and stars
Goddess of: the night and darkness
Culture: Greek
Plants and trees: poppies, night blooming lilies, moon flowers, olive tree, rosemary, mistletoe, gladiolus, and forget-me-nots
Crystals: black tourmaline, cascading quartz, obsidian, amethyst, charoite (one of her fav crystals), black onyx, smoky quartz, garnet, black rose quartz, cat’s eye, turitella agate, prasem stone, Lake Superior agate, moonstone, and moss agate
Animals: owls, crows, foxes, cats, nightingales, and bats
Incense: lavender, frankincense (one of her fav incense), chamomile, myrrh, dragon’s blood, and cinnamon
Practices: lunar magick, astronomy, healing, dream work, sleep magick, rebirth, and astral projection
Colours: dark blue, black, purple, silver, and red
Numbers: 3, 4, and 9
Zodiac: Scorpio (not official)
Tarot: The Star
Planets: Moon and Pluto
Days: Monday, new moon, and Mabon
Parents: Chaos
Siblings: Erebus
Partner: Erebus
Children: Hemera, Aether, Moros, Apate, Dolos, Nemesis, the Keres, the Moirai, Oizys, Momus, Oneiros, Hypnos, Eris, Thanatos, Philotes, Geras, and possibly more
• The Moon: often associated with Nyx as she is the goddess of the night. It is a symbol of her influence over darkness and the universe.
• Stars: Nyx is also frequently associated with stars and constellations, as the night sky is her realm. Stars represent her infinite wisdom and knowledge and the heavenly lights that shine through the night.
• Void: the void is the primal, infinite void that existed before the creation of the universe. It is the primordial chaos that Nyx emerged from, and it is thought to be the origin of all things.
• Infinity: the concept of infinity is also associated with Nyx, as she is a deity of limitless wisdom and knowledge. Infinite knowledge and understanding are core values in her realm of the night.
• Destruction: Nyx is also often viewed as a goddess of destruction and ruin, as she is the embodiment of the void and the abyss.
• The Origin of the Universe: in one version of mythology, Nyx is said to have emerged from the primordial chaos and void that existed before the creation of the world. She is thought to have been the source of the energy and matter that gave rise to all existence.
• The Creation of the Olympians: in some versions of mythology, Nyx is believed to have given birth to Zeus and the other Olympians. She is also thought to have been their caretaker and protector.
• Nyx is associated with the night, darkness, and the abyss.
• She is also associated with the void, which is the space between dimensions and universes.
• Nyx is also associated with infinity, secret knowledge, and wisdom.
• She is often portrayed as a deity of creation, destruction, and transformation.
• Nyx has also been linked to the concept of fate and destiny.
• She is the primordial goddess of the night and the personification of darkness.
• Nyx is one of the most important goddesses in Greek mythology.
• She is associated with the night sky and the stars.
Working with Nyx involves taking time to set up a sacred space, cleaning and dedicating this space, offering prayers of reverence and gratitude, showing care and thought with offerings, asking her for guidance and wisdom with your prayers, being open to messages she may send, and being mindful and attentive throughout the devotion.
"Nyx, Goddess of the night and the primordial void, please accept this prayer and my offerings as a gesture of respect and devotion. I seek your guidance and your wisdom, and I ask for your protection and protection. Please guide me on this path of devotion and show me your wisdom and light. Hail Nyx."
• Feeling a deep connection and draw to Nyx’s energies.
• You are experiencing a calling or pull to work with her.
• You have vivid dreams or visions involving Nyx.
• Noticing signs and symbols related to Nyx appearing in your life.
• Having a desire or enthusiasm to learn more about Nyx.
• You feel an urge to explore spiritual practices related to Nyx.
• Experience increased synchronicity or meaningful coincidences related to Nyx.
• Milk.
• Black coffee or tea.
• Dark chocolate.
• Silver jewelry.
• Dragon fruit.
• Perfume.
• Olives.
• Dew gathered before the sun rises. Wine.
• Fire.
• Dark beer or liquors.
• Moon water.
• Feathers.
• Molasses.
• Starry and celestial items.
• White or black candles.
• Dark and protective herbs or spices.
• Flowers: lilies and night-blooming flowers.
• Moonshine.
• Poppies.
• Depictions of the stars and the night sky.
• Depictions of the moon and/or figurines of moths.
• Sleep-inducing teas.
• Telescope.
• Moonstone.
• Depictions or figurines of cats (especially black cats).
• Offer prayers and praises to Nyx, dedicating your energy to her and expressing your devotion.
• Light incense and candles dedicated to Nyx in your ritual space for an extra touch.
• Journal about your dreams.
• Create offerings and rituals to Nyx, such as offering food, plants, and other gifts, and dedicating your offerings and rituals to her.
• Read books on astrology and astronomy.
• Study and research Nyx, her mythology and energies, to get to know her better and develop a deeper relationship with her.
• Nyx and her energies, and connect with her on a deeper level.
• Spend time in nature at night, communing with Nyx and experiencing her energies.
• Go stargazing
• Staying up late.
• Sleeping.
• Nighttime journaling.
• Practicing good sleep hygiene.
• Researching the Moon’s effects on the Earth.
• Making moon water.
• Watching the sunrise and/or sunset.
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tarithenurse · 6 months ago
I see fire
Fandom: D&D 5E/homebrew campaign. Word count: 3584. Contents: Detective work. A/N: I know that this story doesn't garner a lot of attention….but neither did my other works and I'm having fun sharing it with the few who read, so - Enjoy and thank you! Any questions are welcome. Please comment and like and reblog. Let me know if you want a tag. Divider by @firefly-graphics
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In the bright of day (much to Zilvra’s and Owen’s dismay (for different reasons)) the adventurers have breakfast and Malikka even hands them all some bedrolls that have seen better days. Then Zilvra and her new companions bid the other group and Malikka goodbye and set out along the only road leading north.
The first day of travel is quiet, no one else seems to be using the road and as night falls there are no sight of civilization or camp sites and so the trio seeks out their own little spot which Anvindr unsuccessfully attempts to improve on before he settles down. He is the only one that needs a full night’s sleep – in fact he’s the only one who sleeps while the other trance seated semi-consciously – and so the two women decide that he can combine all bedrolls into one proper and he’s very happy with that.
Like the night before, Zilvra takes first watch, studying the eladrin in her trance as her appearance changes from what it had been. Nothing else happens, and eventually the drow settles in for her trance as Morella wakes up now as a radiant summer’s day.
When Anvindr and Zilvra wake up, the are immediately shushed on by Morella who’s stretching out on a patch of moss. She points towards a figure lying on the other side of extinguished campfire and both of her new party members are respectively shocked and weirded out by the fact that it’s a wolf. A fully grown wolf. Even though they try to keep their voices down, the harsh whispered demands for an explanation wake up the creature who departs, leaving the trio without a scratch.
“It was hungry so I gave it some food,” Morella tries to explain happily, “and then I noticed it was hurt – look what was in the wound!” She holds out her hand, allowing the other two to inspect what appears to be metallic fragments. Copper, Zilvra realizes. “He wants us to find his alpha, Dolos, so we can help them.”
Anvindr inspects one of the nuggets. “Maybe it’s to do with that mine Tio mentioned?”
“Wait it what?” Zilvra is more focused on something else: “It talked to you?”
“Yeah.” Morella doesn’t elaborate further.
They have no way of knowing how or where the wolf sustained its injuries and no clue on where to find the rest of the pack either, so the trio resumes their trek along the dusty road.
In the evening on the third day after setting out from Oldgarde, they arrive at the first marker of civilization: the abbey of Heartwell Shire. The road leads off to the right past fields of grain and grapes and farms. Heading for the only logical place to ask for directions, Zilvra leads the group towards the abbey’s doors, noticing the sigil of Amaunator above the door: a blazing sun with wavy rays – Amaunator is the god of justice and law, a deity who also had been featured in the capital.
Thankfully, their knocking is answered quickly by a rather young man with Stouvanian armour on who introduces himself as Deputy Willem. The trio shows their credentials, the copper tags, and are welcomed inside with the promise of a place to sleep and a proper meal. Apparently, the place is not only the religious seat of the village but doubles as the local law enforcement’s quarters.
Inside, he guides them through the main room of prayer and on to an office where they meet the Marshal, McBribe, who gets the lay of the land because he’s apparently been expecting some sort of adventuring group from Master Tio. Also he knows about Zilvra’s crime and punishment but thankfully he is kind about it and is keen to fix the bonds so they last longer.
“Fetch Paxton,” he asks Willem who hurries off only to return moments later with a chubby friar in tow who’s huffing and puffing but smiling at least.
“Let’s see, dear,” the rotund man of faith grabs Zilvra’s hands and begins rubbing a sticky ointment on the bonds, wrists, and neck of the drow while muttering an incantation.
The bonds had not been super tight, but the decrease of the circumferences had started to worry the drow so it’s a relief to feel the metal widen.
Paxton smiles jovially. “Now you got four days. You come back to me when it’s needed, alright?” and he makes to leave.
“Actually,” McBribe stops him, “I have some things to attend to still and I’m sure our guests are tired and hungry. Why don’t you show them to sister Anetta?”
“Yes, Marshal. Right this way.”
He’s a kind and chatty guy, explaining about the place as the trio ventures towards the dining hall (an extension of the kitchen). He even admits to things being quite different in Stouvania since the rebellion.
“Which rebellion?” Anvindr asks cautiously.
Paxton blinks. “The Masons’. Ah, I suppose you wouldn’t know seeing as you’re outsiders.” Just then sister Anetta comes over with plates of warm, delicious food and wine to go with it, making the kind friar beam in anticipation. “So...after the war, the Masons worked hard on the repairs of the city and rumour has it that they weren’t getting paid as they should? Either way, there were a lot of protests and the king was killed as he had gone to address the mob.”
“Assassinated or mobbed, you mean?” Zilvra wants to be sure.
“Weeell...” brother Paxton hesitates, “I wasn’t there but it almost seemed...unplanned. Like he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
The trio exchanges surprised looks before Anvindr voices their thoughts: “An accident?”
“It probably wasn’t but the reaction of the Masons afterwards...”
“But they apprehended the murderer, didn’t they?” Morella insists, recalling master Tio’s words.
“Emmet von Kresswell, leader of the Masons.” Paxton shudders. “Anyways! This is hardly relevant to you. Now, we’ve got a nice little corner carved out for us up here but it’s nice to see someone like you three come to help us. I’m sure McBribe will explain it better, but,” he hurries on, “we’ve got some wolf trouble. Good ol’ Daremot Jones is hard pressed when he goes hunting – he’s a tanner – and he’s been pushed out of his normal range.”
“By a copper mine?” Morella asks.
“Uhm, dunno but yeah there’s an old abandoned mine to the north. Why do you think...?”
The eladrin chaotically explains about the wolf she had befriended and even shows the friar the residue which he suggests they take to the local blacksmith, Janus Hammerknuckle.
“Oh? Newcomers?” a man’s voice calls from the threshold of the kitchen.
Looking over the trio sees another friar, more slender and wrinkly but dressed in the same dull robes and soft shoes. Standing up to shake hands, they each greet him amicably though it in Zilvra’s case isn’t enough to prevent him from recoiling at the sight of the bonds.
“This is brother Samuel,” Paxton explains, apparently not having noticed the distaste radiating from his colleague.
Another figure appears in the door but this one they’ve met before: McBribe. He apologizes for having had them waiting, then joins them at the table where both latecomers are served by sister Anette.
“So, Paxton’s telling you about our problems?” Thankfully there’s no malice or annoyance in the marshal’s voice.
Anvindr nods. “The wolves? Yes sir.”
A wave of the hand dismisses the title: “Just McBribe...or marshal if we have to be really formal.” The trio nods. “So, you’re used to hunting wolves?”
None of them are but Morella barely lets that slip before trying a different approach: “Well there’s always been wolves in these lands, right?” She gets an agreeing humph. “So the problem is purely that they’ve shifted their territory but they wouldn’t randomly do that. I bet something’s forced them away from their normal area. That would fit with what our friend said about them being in trouble.”
“Who said that?” McBribe interrupts.
Morella looks surprised at the question but Anvindr is quick to explain to the marshal about the wolf from the previous night.
“Well that sure it...different. Unconventional.” McBribe looks unsure whether to believe the tale or not but then his face clear up in a smile. “Maybe that’s just what we need, though.” He studies the colourful eladrin for a moment. “They used to be near the mine up north...I’d like you to find out what’s going on and then report back to me. It’s just a day out from here.”
“I think Niels has a map, you could ask him to see it,” brother Paxton suggests helpfully.
Apparently brother Niels is the resident bookish friar but before the trio seeks him out, they are first shown to where they can sleep that night: up in the clock tower one of the floors has been refurbished to serve as a guest room with multiple beds despite the open air flowing in through the arches and the bell up above. But it’s neat, dry, and clean and the five beds look comfortable enough.
Taking the chance and setting down their backpacks, the trio descends with the purpose of finding a map to study. The abbey isn’t big and they quickly find a small library, tightly stacked with books and scrolls all tended to by a withered friar who somehow manages to balance a pair of glasses on a very crooked nose.
“Ah, the adventurers,” he creaks, “we’ve been expecting someone of your calibres. How can I help?”
Explaining the basis of the situation is simple enough and he guides them over to the wall behind a loaded desk where a faded map hangs. It shows the shire only, including an icon for the mine that hasn’t been crossed out or erased in spite of the misuse of it.
“Yes it’s been abandoned years ago. Ran dry,” he explains, “there has been no maintenance so it must be in danger of collapsing.” He smiles, eyes unusually big through the lenses of his glasses. Then he looks around. “I thought there were three of you? Where’s the...other colourful one?”
Morella is indeed missing.
A brief search is all it takes to find her sitting crisscross-applesauce with a cat in her lap. The furry acquaintance is purring loudly, clearly happy with the attention and scritches.
“Well, alright then,” brother Niels seems relieved.
“Perhaps, if you have the time, could you help me with a bit of research?” Anvindr asks, causing the old man to kick into gear, eventually finding several books for the air genasi.
Meanwhile, Zilvra has taken to her own perusing. Not daring to pluck out any of the books, she tries to get an idea of what sort of literature is available. Walking, twirling her wooden dagger absentmindedly, she barely realizes in time that the librarian is heading her way with an expectant smile on his thin lips.
“And are you perhaps also thirsting for knowledge?” he creaks.
Uhm. She rubs her neck, feeling the circular bond there and how unfair she found the verdict she now is a slave to. “Do you happen to have a book about the laws of Stouvania?”
His eyes drift to the bonds but he is kind enough to refrain from commenting, just nods and heads down along the row of bookcases, trailing a long finger along the backs of the volumes until he finds what he is looking for: a fat and old but surprisingly pristine volume.
“This is...perhaps not the newest edition so there may have been some specification or addendums that you can’t find in it...but mostly it’s the same.”
“Thank you.” She means it.
There is no chance for her to appeal the case but she sure as hells won’t risk committing another crime...on the other hand she also has no chance of reading and memorizing an entire tome of law. Picking through the book, she does surprisingly find a paragraph explaining the legality of Roofwalking as a means of quickly getting from point A to point B without worrying about such things as trespassing as long as only the roofs were used and balconies remained off limits. Having to concede that Roofwalking is an actual thing, Zilvra deduces that this might have been among the laws that have been amended since the war or the rebellion.
Eventually, both Anvindr and Zilvra are satisfied with their research and so they round up Morella (who only reluctantly leaves the cat behind).
The night passes without incidents.
On the morning of the 19th of April, the trio rises to an overcast sky and a blue Morella. They only wake minutes before Anetta comes huffing up the stairs, announcing that the breakfast is almost ready.
After breakfast the trio finds Janus Hammerknuckle further into the village.
The big hands and leather apron is a good indicator for his occupation if the outsiders had been unsure. Great in stature and rough looking, he does seem friendly and helpful enough as he takes a look at the metallic residue, confirming that it’s copper.
“That’s weapon shrapnel...which is weird,” he further informs them, “I used to be a weapon smith and I can promise that copper weapons are a thing of times gone by. Oi! Goddrick!” He calls towards the back room. While waiting for this Goddrick to emerge, he continues: “As I said...I used to make weapons and I was darn good at it if I say so myself. But...I didn’t like it much. There was no joy in only creating something that destroys.”
Another human comes over, sticking a pair of thick gloves up under his arm. His hair is a mess and there’s soot in his face except around his eyes.
“What?” he demands before fully realizing that the trio is present.
Janus holds out the copper shrapnel. “Thinking the same as me?”
There’s a moment of silence where the two boink heads as they both try to study the metal.
“Shrapnel. Weapons?” Goddrick then confirms unknowingly.
Janus turns to the adventurers. “Well, there you have it.” He sprinkles the metal shavings back into Morella’s palms. “No clue who’d still use copper weapons though.”
They thank both men before asking direction to the hunter they were told of, Daremot Jones. Not that there are a lot of options as the village only consists of one street and so they can’t mistake the place after they’ve gotten the description.
Daremot’s there in an open front workshop where several hides are strung out to cure. He seems to have been expecting them, as he immediately sizes them up and then begins to explain about the wolves.
“My grounds, so to speak, have always been to the northwest and while there might have been the occasional track of a stray wolf, it’s never been anything more than that,” he explains in a husky voice. “Now the area’s swarming with them, scaring away the game and they seem to be encroaching on the village too. I’m worried they might be desperate enough to pose a threat to us.”
“They’ve come to the village proper?” Zilvra wonders.
He shakes his head. “Not yet...but there’s little sign of any prey animals left in that neck of the woods so who knows.” Then he sighs. “That’s not even the worst. There’s something out there, sounds like a wolf but much deeper and more growley even as it howls.” He scratches an itch on the arm. “If it is a wolf, then it’s gotta be a mighty beast.”
Morella doesn’t seem deterred, smiling gently at the man before turning to her new friends. “Sounds like a job for us.”
“So...both the mine and the wolves?” Anvindr checks and both women nod. “Alright then!”
Bidding the hunter goodbye, the trio heads north out of the village, their first destination being the mine.
“It’s really quiet,” Morella whispers.
They’ve been walking for several hours, following a mostly overgrown path through the forest.
“Mmm,” Zilvra agrees, “I don’t like it...the Topside is always noisy with birds and wind and whatnot but this...this is eerie.”
She silently draws her rapier, noting how the others follow her example.
Advancing further, it’s not long before the sharp-eyed Morella spots an odd structure that looks a bit like a rocky hollow or den. Sneaking closer, the stealthy drow gets near enough to see that the structure isn’t wholly natural but more interesting than that: it is occupied. A loud snoring emanates from a dwarfish creature. Zilvra recognizes it as a duergar.
The duergar are cousins to the dwarves but lives in the Underdark, deep underground. They are among the chief enemies of the drow so apart from being surprised at seeing one Topside, Zilvra also has an instant dislike of it and is about to try to communicate as much to her new friends when Anvindr decides to move closer, snapping a branch loudly by stepping on it – he hadn’t seen it lying there but the duergar definitely hears it and bolts upright. Already speeding up to a sprint at the sight of the blue male, the duergar leaves its little hideout through the backdoor where Zilvra has made it to.
“Drop the weapons,” she motions to the crude gear with her rapier.
The duergar drops the things but says nothing. It, a male with grey skin and black hair and beard, eyes her warily and its gaze grows anxious when Anvindr joins the silent stand-off. Shifting it weight from one leg to another, it’s only brought to hesitate by Zilvra’s warning sound for a moment, though, before it takes of screaming and howling through the woods in a northern direction, leaving the three adventurers behind.
Calming down enough to check out the outpost, as they theorize it is, Anvindr finds nothing more than the axe and shield the duergar had dropped as ordered. And a mudball.
“They eat those,” Zilvra comments, “I think.”
What is interesting is the gear: both items have a rough coating of copper dust on the edges, perfect for botching up a wound even more.
“Looks like what was in the wolf’s wound,” Anvindr notices, causing the females to nod in agreement.
Then they set out, moving quietly so as not to step into an ambush or similar but nothing seems out of the ordinary for the first hour which is when they reach yet another of those crudely constructed stone shelters.
“Can’t see anything from here,” Morella is stretching her neck to get a better look.
Zilvra nods, silently drawing her weapon. “Moving in, hang on.”
A moment later she can call out to the others that while the outpost has seen recent use, there’s no one now.
There’s not much sense in lingering and the trio continues.
Eventually, they reach the outliers of the mountains that stretch into the forest like chubby fingers. A little ways up ahead, they see the forest come to an abrupt halt, old stumps mingling with younger trees indicating that nature even has reclaimed some of its lost space and what lies beyond is the mountain range that the trio had seen on the friar’s map, known as The Spine of Heartwell.
Another thing worth of note that the odd group now can see is the mine and an odd structure outside of it: stones and rocks have been piled to form a crude but effective barricade. No one had mentioned anything about such a structure and Zilvra suggests that it might be the use of whoever uses the mine now – duergar maybe – although there’s no sign of any life at the moment.
“Should we go in?” Morella suggests, ready to face anything.
The other two are more reluctant, though.
“Not without knowing what’s in there.” Zilvra has plenty of experience scoping out places in her past but there’s no reason to mention that now.
It doesn’t take long for them to figure out what to do and they manage to find an agreeable camp spot where they can keep an eye on the mine throughout the night. In the morning, they’ll go west to the wolves, hopefully.
“Guys,” Morella whispers, beckoning her friends over to the watch spot, “guys look.”
It’s early in the evening, just about dusk after a few hours of nothing exciting.
Joining her, both Zilvra and Anvindr quickly see what she’s referring to: several duergar have exited the mine and are starting their work on shaping the stones as they want to enforce the barricade. A patrol sets out towards the forest, disappearing between the trees and underbrush in a southern direction not far from the well hidden camp.
Despite the duergars’ love for darkness (like anything else in the Underdark) they do need some light and so set up torches to work by as night falls, unwittingly allowing the trio to have a clear view of them moving about in and out of the mine.
Later, when Anvindr and Morella are just about to settle down for a rest, rustling is heard just beyond the camp: the patrol is returning empty handed and by some miracle, they don’t notice the people watching them.
“I’ll wake you if anything happens,” Zilvra promises as she prepares to take the first watch.
Nothing does happen however and eventually the two of elven kind switch roles, allowing the drow to trance and the now golden/yellow eladrin to observe the busy dark dwarves.
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msweebyness · 1 year ago
MiracOlympus- Extras!!!
Here’s a special bonus, with some extra characters of importance! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Gabriel: Cronos
The god of time and the former king of the titans, and father of Adrien (Zeus), Kim (Poseidon), and Nathaniel (Hades). He locked his sons away in Tartarus as children to secure his power, but was defeated and imprisoned by them. Nath makes time every week to go down and troll him.
Emilie: Rhea
The former queen of the titans, ex-wife of Gabriel. She despised him for imprisoning her sons and helped overthrow him. Still mothers the heck out of her boys (and the new gods in general), regardless of how powerful they are.
Anarka: Leto
Goddess of motherhood and mother to Juleka (Artemis) and Luka (Apollo). Will eff you up if you mess with her kids, and vice versa. Still a chaotic free spirit.
Jagged: Aeolus
God of the winds and father of Luka and Juleka. Serves as mentor and teacher to the four young wind deities, telling them where the winds are needed that day. Still loves music.
Clara: Euterpe
Muse of Music, and eldest of the nine. Her younger siblings all adore her and she helped them all to embrace and master their special talent.
Vivica: Calliope
Second eldest muse, muse of poetry and epics. A bit shy, but loves to perform with her siblings.
Lucien: Zelus
God of envy and jealousy. In love with obsessed with Marc (Persephone), and couldn't handle it when he chose to be with Nathaniel. (Mylene (Demeter) feckin' HATES him, and has threatened him with a pitchfork more than once.)
Emani: Dolos
God of manipulation and control. Former lover of Nathaniel who would do anything to have him back.
Duusu: Argus
Marinette's (Hera) sacred peacock, and beloved companion.
Liiri: Aetos Dios
Adrien's sacred eagle, who carries messages for him and serves as a companion.
Xuppu: Delphinius
Immortal Dolphin, and Kim's best friend. Was his wingman and helped him get together with Ondine (Amphitrite).
Kaalki: Pegasus
Immortal winged horse, famed mount of heroes. Found as a foal and reared by Max (Athena).
Socqueline: Heracles
Greatest mortal hero who ever lived, had the strength of a god. Wore a lion pelt.
Aeon: Helen of Troy
Most beautiful mortal woman who ever lived, kidnapped as a teen by the Trojans for their prince. The Gods sided with the Greeks in the war to bring her back.
Jess: Atalanta
Mortal hero who could run as fast as the wind. A renowned hunter who killed a monstrous boar terrorizing her kingdom, and she refuses to marry unless you can beat her in a race.
Fei: Hippolyta
Queen of the Amazons, and total badass. Has never lost a battle with any mortal that dared challenge her.
Master Fu: Chiron
Immortal centaur, the wise and kind teacher of the greatest heroes.
Sublime: Pasithea
The goddess of meditation and relaxation, one of the most levelheaded of the gods, keeps everyone from working themselves too hard, especially her siblings.
Beck: Achilles
One of the most renowned warriors of Ancient Greece, one of the leaders of the Greek forces in the Trojan War. Invulnerable everywhere except for their heel, which is why they wear armored sandals.
Bustier, Mendeliev, and Winters: The Moirai (aka the Fates)
Winters- Clotho, Bustier- Lachesis, Mendeliev- Atropos
Three incredibly powerful goddesses who decide the fates and lifespans of all mortals.
Baark: Cerberus
Three-headed, enormous guard dog of the Underworld. Nathaniel and Marc's fluffy baby girl child.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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abwatt · 1 year ago
Elemental Forces & an Astrological Year
I haven't been very explicit about this, but it's time.
There's a standard list from a Christian dude named Cosmas of Jerusalem, where he takes "the pagans' to task for the worship of the 12 Olympians and also a collection of 36 other deities in Alexandria, and he mentions that they're assigned to "the airs". And that's a reference to the 10° segments of the Zodiac called Decans or Faces. So Cosmas is critiquing the use of an Egyptian/Hellenic calendar and time-keeping system, probably in use in Alexandria around the 2nd century AD that divides the Zodiac by decan, into 36 slices. And Cosmas goes on to list which deities go with which air/decan/face.
Why is that important? Well, every one of the thirty-six airs comes up over the eastern horizon, every day. Some of them happen fast and are called the signs of Short Ascension (Capricorn to Cancer) some of them take a long time and are called the Signs of Long Ascension (Leo through Sagittarius). The Moon passes through every decan, every month, spending less than a day in each decan. The Sun passes through every decan, spending about ten days in every decan every year.
Which means that Cosmas has given us today the necessary tools to construct a calendar of sacred hours, sacred days, and sacred 'long weeks' for a broad range of Greco-Egyptian deities in the Hellenistic era.
If we order Orphic Hymns by which deity rules which air/decan/face,, that looks something like this. The first ten degrees of each sign are shown first (0°-9° including up to 9°59'), then the second deity (10°-19°) then the third (20°-29°) We get 29 gods who have Orphic hymns. and seven that don't have Orphic Hymns assigned to them — the Litai (or prayers), Serapis, the Loimos (or spirits of sicknesses), Tolma (or daring), Phobos (or Fear), Osiris (maybe substitute an Egyptian hymn?), and Dolos (trickery).
Aries: Aidoneus/Pluto 17 - Persephone 28 - Eros 57 
Taurus: Charis/the Graces 59 - The horae/Seasons 42 - The Litai (none)
Gemini: Tethys 21 - Cybele 25 - Praxidike 62 
Cancer: Nike 32 - Hercules 11 - Hecate 1 
Leo: Hephaestus 63 - Isis 13 - Serapis (none)
Virgo: Themis 78 - the Moirai 58 - Hestia 83 
Libra: The Erinyes 68 - Kairos 12 - Nemesis 60
Scorpio: The Nymphs 50 - Leto 34 - Curetes/Korybas 37 & 38 
Sagittarius: Loimos (none) - Kore 40 - Anangke 9
Capricorn: Asklepios 66 - Hygeia 67 - Tolma (none) 
Aquarius: Dike 61 - Phobos (none) - Osiris (none) 
Pisces: Okeanos 82 - Dolos (none) - Memnosyne 76
That's.... that's a yearly and weekly calendar, a clock, and a pagan cosmology, all rolled into one. Oh, and also an education program for training the memory, which is a cornerstone skill of magic. Additionally, I use these for the four elements: 20 (air), 21 (water), 4 (fire), 25 (earth) instead of pentagram invocations of the directions.
Oh, and as an extra little amuse-bouche, Cosmas mentions that there's another list of 60 gods, which he does not include. But! There's sixty-subdivisions of the Zodiac signs called Terms or Bounds, and there's a Chaldean version of them and an Egyptian version of them. So you can also assign any additional gods you attend to, to the terms... and build them right into the timekeeping system.
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maceofpentacles · 2 years ago
i think it’s really funny when people are constantly freaking out about “trickster spirits” because the only “tricksters” i’ve dealt with in my practice have been loki and dolos, both of which are deities of mischief and trickery in a way. so whenever something isn’t adding up i know it’s one of them coming to be silly
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starfacenix · 7 months ago
Working with gods that are known for being tricksters but getting none of that from them is simultaneously hilarious and also slightly saddening since I’d love that funny slight prankster energy from them. The only ways Hermes and Dolos play tricks on me is if I do he direct opposite of what they asked of me (sometimes on purpose I’m sorry) and they, understandably, hand me my ass for it.
This is a formal apology to Hermes and Dolos.
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santoschristos · 22 minutes ago
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“Far away in the heavenly abode of the great God Indra, there is a wonderful net which has been hung by some cunning artificer in such a manner that it stretches out indefinitely in all directions.
In accordance with the extravagant tastes of deities, the artificer has hung a single glittering jewel at the net’s every node. Since the net itself is infinite in number, there hang the jewels, glittering like stars of the first magnitude, a wonderful sight to behold.
If we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels so that the process of reflection is infinite.” — THE AVATAMSAKA SUTRA, the jewel net of Indra.
Pisces II Sun: Dolos in the Net
The ancient Greeks, or at least the Greek diaspora of Alexandria and Egypt, looked to a spirit named Dolos at this time of year. It’s hard to know what Dolos stood for in their mindset, but he may have been a spirit much like the themes of Fat Tuesday in cultural Christianity and New Orleans today — the riotous excess of Carnival before the fast of early spring sets in. I have no basis for this in factual evidence, mind you — but Dolos’ name means falsehood, or something like trickery. A season of false spring before the true spring comes in? Perhaps.
The Sun enters is realm at 3:30 am EST on 28 February 2025, and remains there until March 10, 2025 — making ten days and 33 minutes.
Austin Coppock named this decan The Net, after the Net of Indra. The Hindu deity fights with a net rather like some ancient Roman gladiators, but his net sparkles with faceted diamond beads sewn onto every knot. When he throws it over his enemies, they don’t know whether they are transported to a glittering palace, or if they’re caught in a trap. Either way, they usually stop struggling, so dazzled by the wonders around them. T. Susan Chang called it Fishes and Wishes, noticing its associations with the 9 of Cups in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck — which depicts a wealthy man seated before a display of his golden chalices, showing the satisfaction of someone whose wishes have come true.
Indra's Magnificent Jeweled Net. Mahaboka
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wonderencyclopedia · 6 months ago
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Name: Duke of Deception First Appearance: Wonder Woman 2 (1942) Creators: William Marston and H.G Peter Abilities: An immortal master of manipulation, deceit and disguise, his powers range from illusions and possession, to necromancy and astral projection.
Backstory: When a hero has long served as the embodiment of truth, it only makes sense that one of her oldest and most menacing villains has been the personification of deceit and manipulation: the Duke of Deception. Thought to be modeled after Dolos, the diety of trickery, there have been several alternate versions with subtle revisions to his outward appearance, but he always remains a devious immortal who rules over lies with the power to possess anyone he chooses, and creates illusions which cause his enemies to question reality itself driving them insane.
A demigod within the Greek pantheon, the Duke is a trusted operative for the God of War, Diana’s greatest foe. In service to his master, the Duke, acting from his base on the planet Mars, helped spread falsehoods and confusion (even built a Lie Factory at one point) in an effort to cause conflict in humanity—conflict that would ultimately result in the wars Ares so desperately craved.
The Duke often travels in his astral form to “whispers” rumors and duplicitous thoughts, all in an effort to stoke the fires of discontent. He can delude the minds of ordinary humans, ultimately driving them to madness, and can also create illusions, often changing his physical appearance so as to manifest as anyone he desires.
After Crisis on Infinite Earths he is seen as a more independent villain, and also a crusader for Hades, and in one account manipulated a young man named Thomas Byde to kill himself, and then possessed his body, and using his illusions and necromancy, he became famous. While the Duke himself has gone unseen for many years and was presumed dead, a deity bearing ancient armor reemerged using his name and teaming up with several of Wonder Woman’s supervillains under the leadership of the sorceress, Circe.
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killerzshadow · 11 months ago
Thank You:D And Mhmm!
Greek Mythology
So, From A Proper Mythological Standpoint, She's The Primordial Goddess & Personification Of The Night And Darkness, And In Some Aspects Sleep And Dreams. She's The Daughter Of Chaos, Along With Her Many Other Siblings; Erebus (Darkness), Gaia (Earth/Nature), Uranus/Ouranos (The Heavens), And The Rest Of Chaos' Children. She Went On To Be The Wife Of Erebus. She Currently Lives In Tartarus.
Nyx Is Mother To Aether, Hemera, Moros, Apate, Dolos, Nemesis, the Keres, the Moirai, the Hesperides, the Erinyes, Oizys, Momus, Oneiros, Hypnos, Thanatos, Philotes, Geras And Eris. Most Of Her Children Were Actually Born Without The Help Of Another (Asexually, Like Athena).
She's Known As One Of The Only Goddesses To Strike Fear Into Zeus.
As Somebody Who Worships Her Irl, I See Her As A Very Tough Love Mother. Similarly To Hecate (Whom She Is Fond Of). She's There To Offer A Push In The Right Direction And Will Not Sugarcoat Things.
Riordan Universe
Now, When It Comes To The Riordan Universe Itself, Most Of This Remains The Same. It's States In Her Wiki, "As one of the Protogenoi, Nyx is an extremely powerful deity, feared by many Titans and Gods. Nico once referred to Nyx as even worse than her sister Gaea." I Recommend Reading It! Now, In The Canon World She Has No Known Demigod Children, But That Never Stops This Fandom. 💪🏻
PERSONAL Children Of Nyx HCs
• Most Of Her Children Have Dark, If Not Black, Hair With Dark Eyes And Pale Skin. Their Skin Has Similar Traits To Albinism Though, So Direct Sunlight Isn't Fun
• They Are Night Hawks, And Much Like Hecate's Children Are More Powerful At Night
• They Get Along Very Well With Their Cousins From The Hypnos And Nemesis Cabins, But Most Of Zeus' Children Stay Far Away From Them
• Silver Jewelry. Period. That Is All/hj
• Astrology & Tracking The Moon Cycles Is One Of Their Favourite Things
• They're Very Scary Looking And Intimidating, But They Really Aren't That Bad When You Get To Know Them. Just Don't Push Their Boundaries Or Overall Piss Them Off
• Power-Wise? Umbrakinesis, Night Vision, Etc.
Wish I Could Find The Og Post Of These But </3 Pinterest Has So Many, So I Recommend Looking There!
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Nyx Cabin Aesthetic Board
Request By: @collectionof-cells
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Fun Fact! I Worship Lady Nyx :D (I'm A Pagan Witch!)
Requests Open!
Please Request Cabin Mood/Aesthetic Boards In Asks!
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coinandcandle · 2 years ago
I know you've done some deity deep dives abd so have others, but do you know if there's a deity deep dives for Nyx floating out on the tumblrsphere somewhere?
I haven't found one on Nyx (not that there aren't I just but she is on my list!! Until I get to her here are some resources you can look through:
Theoi Project - Nyx
Wikipedia - Nyx
Britannica - Nyx
Nyx is also mentioned in the following myths:
Hesiod's Theogony in which he describes Nyx as born of Chaos and lists her children: Aether, Hemera, Moros, Apate, Dolos, Nemesis, the Keres, the Moirai, the Hesperides, the Erinyes, Oizys, Momus, the Oneiroi, Hypnos, Thanatos, Philotes, Geras, Eris, and Eros (Orphic)
Homer's Illiad, Book XIV where it's implied that Zeus fears Nyx.
As well as being a minor character usually mentioned by name only and not featured heavily in the myths themselves.
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